Monday, October 23, 2006

Have you ever been bullied? Have your kids ever had a problem with bullies? Sadly, bullies are a part of life. Whether you or your children have been directly attacked by a bully, or you have just witnessed one in action, they are unavoidable. There are many kinds of bullies. There's the traditional bully the big kid who threatens the smaller kid, takes his lunch money, or something similar is the most obvious type, BUT there are other kinds of bullying, as well. For instance, several kids gang up on one, teasing, name calling, labeling. Bullying of this sort hurts just as much. What about the kids that start false rumors? The internet, with email, instant messaging, etc. can really make this kind of bullying very effective. What about the exclusioners, the kids that ignore, turn their backs on or otherwise leave another child out? The results are just the same no matter what kind of bullying is involved. The child that is being bullied either turns into himself and shuts everyone else out, does whatever he can to try to gain approval, including acting out or doing things he knows are wrong, or he decides to fight back.

Did you know that half of all students report being bullied at some time? And 15% of students are being bullied on a daily basis.

I know how bullying hurts. Not only do I have children who have been on the receiving end, but I, myself, was a victim as a child. Bullying hurts. Period. No one wants that for their child. It isn't just the loners or the "different" kids that get bullied. Sometimes, it's because one child is successful and another is not or vice versa. It can happen to any child - and does!

My children's school system has a program that is supposed to eliminate all bullying. Does it work? Maybe, at school, but what about when your child isn't on school grounds? What about the stuff that happens when the teachers aren't looking? The stuff that, to outward appearances, looks like normal conversation?

There is a solution to this overwhelming problem.

Would you like to know:

What your child should say to the bully to get them to stop? (Did you realize that saying just 3 simple things could change the way the bully feels about your child?)
How to build your child’s confidence so they won’t be picked on?
How to ignore future teasing?
Why keeping quiet about the bullying could be the biggest mistake you’ll ever make?
How to teach your child to be assertive, not aggressive? (It’s all in the voice, face and stance.)

Your child need never feel powerless or isolated again! Before your child's self-esteem is shattered, before your child retreats permanently, or worse, decides to "do something about it". (The widespread violence in our schools is proof that bullying is prevalent, and that violent retribution is what some recipients turn to as a solution.) you need to check this out. Please don't wait another minute!

To find out more Click Here

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